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Aren't Our Policemen Wonderful?

Last Wednesday I went to darts as usual and going home I turned into my road slowly as it is only a short road. This was very fortunate for me because if I had been going any faster I would have run into the police car that was parked halfway down it with no lights on. Bearing in mind that it was half past ten, quite dark and there are no street lamps in my road, I was lucky to spot the car in time. Imagine the conversation if I had run into it.
"And where have you been at this time of night sir?"
"I've been down the pub all evening playing darts officer."
"Have you been drinking sir?"
"No officer, only diet coke, I am virtually tea total."
"Would you mind taking a breath test sir?"
"Certainly officer. You can have a urine sample as well if you want. In fact if you don't take the piss I will for parking like that!"


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