Colwich Computer Club.
#Debunking Domain Names Explaining a little about Domain Names and their significance.
#Installing An External Screen On A Lap Top A simple explanation of how to use an external screen.
#Cloud Computing A few thoughts on Cloud Computing and what it really is.
#Replacing The BIOS A few, very brief thoughts on the BIOS start up system and it's future replacement.
# Password Protection And Security A very simple look at various aspects of keeping your files safe on your computer.
# The Electronic Books War Briefly Exploring the different formats and their sources.
# Other things to Do With Pictures An interesting new take on Fish Tanks.
# Using Gadgets, RSS Feeds, Etc On Your Own Web-site A little bit technical at times, but otherwise a rough to some specialised bits of fun, Internet, computer code snippets.
# Going On-line With Guest Books, Blogs, Chat-rooms, Forums, Etc. A brief explanation of some on-line experiences popular with young people and old alike.
# Quotations For The Older Person And A Poem A light hearted fun page.
# Recycling Old Computers A few ideas on how to dispose of your old computer in an Eco friendly way.
# Refilling Ink Cartridges A rough guide on various ways of getting more value out of your ink cartridges.
# Internet Connection Speed Tester A Simple On-line tester to see how fast your connection is at any one moment.
# GIF Animations Page 1 The Ins and outs of animated pictures and where you might use them as well as many fun cartoon type pictures that you can use. Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
# Videos A brief run down on the many video formats and different players as well as a little on recording onto your computer.
# Using Paint A simple instructional web-page to get you started on a little used program that almost everybody has on their computers.
# Garden Design In A "Word Document." As it says a garden layout in a 2000 "Word Doc" followed by a simple instruction sheet on "How to."
# Making Cards An instructional web-page on how to create your own cards in "Word" with a couple of sample cards to download in "Word" 2000. + Link To Christmas Card, + Link To Birthday Card.
# Printing Different Things An instructional web-page page on how to print on different sized output sheets such as A5, envelopes, business cards, etc.
# Recording Speech A facility that is on most computers and that many people don't realise is there.
# Web Links Some useful web-links + E-mail contacts for Bill and myself.