Unusual & Old Fashioned Fruit Trees |
Tree – Whitebeam – Sorbus Torminalis The Wild
Service Tree is a Whitebeam and has been recorded as growing in the UK
for thousands of years. The family name of Sorbus is the same as the After
flowering in May and June the fleshy brown berries develop and
ripen in August, but remain hard until they have been “Bletted” to
soften them. Back in the 1600’s and 1700’s they were sold in street
markets along with more familiar fruit, but their harvesting and usage
goes back to the Romans who made an alcoholic drink by fermenting grain
and Sorbus berries to produce a kind of The
Wild Service Tree suckers freely, and not being hybridised will also
grow true to type from its own seeds, although they may well take 18
months after sowing before they sprout. |