Vines and Other Climbing Plants



This native Brazilian perennial doesn’t cling, but is a fairly quick growing twining climber that can easily be trained. 

Bourgainvilleas are not very hardy and so are best grown in a conservatory in Great Britain where they can be grown up walls, or around the inside of the roof. However, if plants are potted into large tubs they can go outside in a very sheltered spot for the summer months. As they are a climber though, and get woody as the plant ages, it is not easy to move large plants around to put them into the shelter of a greenhouse for the Winter. 
One point to be borne in mind when handling Borgainvilleas is that although they are very pretty, they can also be a bit spiteful as they have more than the odd thorn.

Bourgainvilleas are grown the world over and will be a familiar sight to holidaymakers as they can be seen growing round the terraces of many hotels in warm climates. Their showy, upside down, bell shaped, flowers with reds, purples and whites last quite a while, although they go a bit papery in appearance and texture as they age.

The majority of what everyone calls the flowers are in fact brightly coloured bracts and not parts of the flower at all. Bracts are merely modified leaves that are often seen as flowers in a few other plants including the ever popular poinsettias that are sold in every retail plant outlet at Christmas time. 

Many plants flower on old and mature wood, but Bourgainvilleas flower on new wood, so coupled with their quick growing, it is a good idea to periodically carry out ruthless pruning to encourage flowering.

As with many woody plants Bourgainvilleas are not easily rooted. 

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